
womb of my spirit

Deep in the cave of my mind,
I found my Soul.
There she has been hiding.
There she dwells —
ferocious, curious, soft.

I discovered her in the darkness.
How I found my way to her, I cannot tell you.
But I am sure it was her from her song.

This song —
it opened my deepest wounds,
recalled my highest desires,
named my ugliest doubts,
grew my truest loves.

She held my heart in her hands,
as she pumped a life force into my blood
to the same rhythm I heard some thirty-three years ago.
The rhythm known only from my mother’s womb.

Where would I be without this song?
And where have I been?

As she sang her last note I felt a deep rumble — 
then a fierce cry — 
just as I burst from my mother’s womb in blood and tears,
now, too, I burst from the womb of my Spirit.

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